June 27, 2024
free keyword research tool

The Top 10 Free Keyword Research Tools

The Top 10 Free Keyword Research Tools


The key foundation of a prosperous SEO approach is the skillful execution of keyword research, enabling you to identify your target audience’s search queries and devise techniques for enhancing visibility by optimizing content suitably. Despite top-grade tools offering additional features, free yet mighty keyword research instruments are also viable options for rendering valuable insights. This blog article delves into detailing the top 10 free keyword research tools that contribute towards improving one’s SEO strategy without exhausting finances.

1. Google Keyword Planner:


A helpful and adaptable resource within Google Ads, the Keyword Planner by Google presents recommendations for keywords alongside search quantity data and metrics on the competition.

Key Features:

Keyword Suggestions: Provides a list of relevant keywords based on your input.
Search Volume Data: Displays average monthly searches for selected keywords.
Competition Metrics: Indicates the level of competition for each keyword.

2. Ubersuggest:


Ubersuggest is an extensive SEO software that offers suggestions for keywords, ideas for content creation, insights on backlinks, and reports on-site audits.

Key Features:

Keyword Suggestions: Generates keyword ideas with search volume and competition data.
Content Ideas: Offers content suggestions based on your target keyword.
Backlink Data: Shows backlink metrics for specific domains.

3. Keyword Surfer:


Keyword Surfer is a browser extension that integrates with Google search, providing instant keyword insights directly on the search results page.

Key Features:

Search Volume: Displays monthly search volumes for queried keywords.
Similar Keywords: Suggest related keywords with search volumes.
CPC and Competition: Indicates cost-per-click and competition metrics.

4. AnswerThePublic:


AnswerThePublic visualizes search query data in a mind map format, revealing user questions and concerns related to specific keywords.

Key Features:

Visualized Data: Presents keyword suggestions in a mind map.
Question Queries: Highlights questions users may have related to your keyword.
Alphabetical List: Provides an alphabetical list of suggested keywords.

5. Google Trends:

Free Keyword Research Tools
Free Keyword Research Tools



By utilizing Google Trends, users can investigate the frequency of search queries throughout history, granting access to valuable knowledge regarding keyword patterns and fluctuations based on seasonality.

Key Features:

Trending Topics: Identifies topics currently trending on Google.
Regional Data: Offers insights into regional interest in specific keywords.
Related Queries: Suggests related queries and rising search terms.

6. KeywordTool.io:


KeywordTool.io is a versatile tool that generates keyword suggestions for Google and YouTube, Bing, Amazon, and other platforms.

Key Features:

Platform Variety: Provides keyword suggestions for multiple search engines.
Long-Tail Keywords: Offers long-tail keyword suggestions.
Questions and Prepositions: Includes question-based and prepositional keyword ideas.

7. SEMrush:


SEMrush provides a free version that has restricted functionalities, providing users access to valuable intel on organic search information and adversary scrutiny.

Key Features:

Organic Search Data: Provides organic search positions for your domain.
Competitor Analysis: Offers insights into competitor keywords.
Backlink Analytics: Shows backlink metrics.

8. Serpstat:


SERPstat’s free plan offers access to essential SEO metrics, including keyword analysis, competitor research, and site audit reports.

Key Features:

Keyword Analysis: Provides data on search volume and competition.
Competitor Research: Offers insights into competitor keywords.
Site Audit Reports: Identifies on-page SEO issues.

9. SpyFu:


SpyFu’s main emphasis lies on analyzing competitors which enables users to discover valuable insights regarding their keywords and advertising strategies.

Key Features:

Competitor Keywords: Reveals keywords your competitors are targeting.
Ad History: Displays historical data on competitor ads.
SEO Competitor Analysis: Provides insights into organic search performance.

10. Wordtracker:


Wordtracker offers a free version with basic keyword research features, including keyword suggestions and search volume data.

Key Features:

Keyword Suggestions: Generates keyword ideas based on user input.
Search Volume Data: Displays search volume metrics.
Competitor Analysis: Allows for limited competitor keyword research.


Content creators, marketers, and SEO enthusiasts can gain numerous insights from these top 10 free keyword research tools. These resources allow you to access worthwhile keywords, grasp user intent effectively, and maximize content visibility through optimization. The ability to enhance your workflow for any level of experience in this field without a sizable budget accommodates everyone’s needs. It’s only a matter of exploring, and analyzing the results obtained by using these powerful free keyword research tools at your disposal; providing an elevated SEO game that makes all the difference!

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