June 29, 2024
how to apply for ehsas program

How to register in ehsaas program


Pakistan’s Government is pioneering the Ehsaas Program to enhance the socio-economic status of vulnerable sectors. This innovative scheme aims to extensively improve beneficiaries’ lives by providing financial assistance, education opportunities, healthcare facilities, and social security support mechanisms. Significant changes are expected with this inclusive initiative for Pakistan’s most fragile societies. This blog post shall lead you through an incremental guide on how to register in ehsaas program so everyone deserving gets access to the necessary assistance they require.

Payment centers are open at various government schools during normal hours from 8 am to 5 pm. Various duties have been assigned to government employees to take up this income support drive.
The Ehsaas Kafalat Program 2023-2024, an ambitious platform by the Pakistani government, positively impacts over seven hundred thousand women through a monthly allowance of Rs.14,000. Its aim is that every person should have basic needs and a good standard of living. The program offers many benefits such as a monthly stipend, health care services, vocational training, and financial assistance.

Users can quickly check their registration status by visiting the 8171 web portal. You can check the online stipend of Rs.25 thousand through this portal. Ehsaas Program Registration 8171 can also be checked online from NADRA. Overall, this is a huge step and hope for those living in poverty.

8171 WEB PORTAL | Click on it to check eligibility

Understanding the Ehsaas Program:

What is the Ehsaas Program?

Ehsaas is an extensive initiative for social welfare, designed to address poverty and enhance economic inclusivity. Its program elements consist of several key features such as Kafaalat (assistance in finances for families), Emergency Cash (relief against COVID-19) along a broad range of health and education-centered initiatives.

“Ehsaas Kafalat Program” started with the support of the Government of Pakistan and BISP, which aims to provide 12000 Pakistani rupees to every family member and woman so that they can live a better life and afford necessities.

How to Register in the ehsaas Program:

Check Eligibility:

Make sure you fulfill the eligibility requirements of your desired Ehsaas Program component before enrollment. The program’s emphasis may result in varying criteria.

Visit the Ehsaas Program Website:

You can gather information and start the registration process by visiting the official website of the Ehsaas Program.

Explore Program Components:

Discover the distinct constituents of the Ehsaas Program and identify which one caters to your requirements. With comprehensive information available on their website, you can delve into every initiative in detail.

Click on the Relevant Program:

Click on the relevant link to access your desired program, whether it be Kafaalat or Emergency Cash.

Read Program Guidelines:

Thoroughly peruse the guidelines and instructions furnished on the website. Comprehend all prerequisites, paperwork, as well as any particular regulations associated with your chosen program.

Complete the Registration Form:

Ensure that you furnish exact and comprehensive particulars while completing the online registration form. Anticipate providing specifics inclusive but not limited to your name, CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card) number, family details as well as additional pertinent information.

Submit Supporting Documents:

Please append all necessary supplementary papers as specified in the guidelines, such as photocopies of your CNIC, proof of income, or other documentation.

Review and Confirm:

Please examine the details given before submitting your registration form. Make certain that all information is precise and current.

Submit the Application:

After you have reviewed and confirmed the information, utilize the online portal to submit your application. A few programs could provide an avenue for monitoring your application status.

Follow Up and Stay Informed:

After the submission of your application, ensure to keep track of its status. Access accurate information on program updates and announcements exclusively from official sources such as the Ehsaas Program website or helpline.

How to cash out Ehsaas program money:

Money transfer is done through banks, which facilitate distribution and support. Many state-owned commercial banks actively participate in the Ehsaas program. Here are some of them.

National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)
Habib Bank Limited (HBL)
United Bank Limited (UBL)
Bank Alfalah

Need to learn how to use an ATM? How can you withdraw your money? When receiving money What guidelines should be followed? Let us help you with this. Get a stipend of Rs fourteen thousand with easy withdrawal from the Ehsaas program by visiting the nearest HBL Bank, and Al Falah Bank in case of Azad Jammu Kashmir or FATA.

Look for an ATM there.

Select your desired language Urdu or English.

Enter your ID card number on the Ehsaas Kafalat ATM program button.

Perform biometric authentication by placing your thumb.

After that, you will get fourteen thousand rupees from the machine

Ehsaas Kafalat program installments:

Those eligible for installments of twelve thousand rupees of the Ehsaas Kafalat program will get four installments of three thousand rupees after three months. The amount will be remitted to the bank details provided by the applicant. The main objective of the program is to help poor people across Pakistan.

Ehsaas Kafalat program is a very good step. Needy women will get a 2000 monthly stipend. Also, there is a subsidy of Rs 2,000 for low-income people under the PM Sasa Petrol and Sasa Diesel scheme.

how to register in ehsaas program
how to register for the ehsaas program


The Ehsaas Program serves as a beacon of hope for those facing economic hardship, offering aid through various components. Eligible individuals can utilize the following steps to navigate registration and access support. Staying informed, adhering to guidelines, and seeking clarifications from official channels are crucial for success. As the program continues expanding its reach, it highlights the government’s pledge towards inclusivity and equity in society. Through active participation and enrollment processes with this impressive initiative, one can embark on their developmental journey into a brighter future with increased security measures implemented effectively within oneself too!


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